

First off, we want to THANK everyone who has been praying and thinking about us. Believe me, we have FELT it.

The last day and a half have been slightly better. Alex still has uncontrollable fits. He still screams for 30+ minutes straight, still hits, and now even bites (Dave has the scars to prove it). When he's doing good, he's an angel. When he's not, well.....

It now usually occurs just before nap time and bed time (no surprise) - and throughout the day at odd times. We've already had our neighbor come twice to ask if we were beating him - well intended, but not helpful.

The real miracle has been our ability to remain calm during his fits - something we didn't do over the weekend. Even when he's screaming bloody murder (and yelling Russian that we don't understand - and probably don't won't to), we've been able to not let it get to us, but continue to speak softly to him. Believe me, this is God alone enabling us to do it.

Our heart really hurts for Alex. When he's screaming, hitting, and biting us, we aren't taking it personally now. We can now see how all this rage is really directed at the cruelty that the world has dished out on this poor little one. So we continue to speak softly, love him, and pray for more patience.

Don't get us wrong, we are still very tired, pretty much at our limits, and still very much need your prayers. But, we feel we have passed a milestone. On Sunday night, we both were at the the brink of calling the whole thing off and coming home alone. Thanks to friends, family, and ultimately God, we feel we are passed that crisis. We know these are our kids, even if we don't 'feel' it all that much anymore.

To catch you up, this weekend we had both Ethan and Alex. Ethan really stepped up, played the role of a big brother, and was a true saint (despite his own fits). He went back to his orphange on Sunday night since he had his last day of school on Monday. We had intended on taking custody of him after that, but we've now decided to hold off a few days, perhaps another week. We just really need to give Alex our full attention to get him through this stage. We feel Ethan is old enough to understand this, and while it breaks our heart to not have him with us now, we hope it will be the best in the long run.

Thanks again for all your prayers - they TRULY are felt.


Unknown said...

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you both, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:16-19)

We continue to pray for you and the boys. Thanks for the update.

Renee & Randy

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you could feel the prayers from afar. Moments like the ones you have described are very difficult to get through, especially when you feel there is so little you can do. I'm so proud of you both for sticking it out and "choosing to love" even when you don't feel it! That's something I think you go through in marriage and have found you certainly go through in parenthood. Though, your situation, as I talked about in my email, is far from typical parenting challenges!! I'm encouraged by Ethan's ability to be a big brother and role model for Alex...it shows how important it is that you went over with an open mind for the possibility of adopting a sibling group. You knew beforehand that the pair would have a bond and important role in each other's lives - you just never knew HOW important!!

A thought came to mind last night that I wanted to share with you. Shortly after I moved here to Baltimore, I had one of my typically challenging days as a special educator and had come home in tears. Though I knew the problems that come with teaching such challenging children, the daily fits of rage from our class of 20 children had begun to really take it's toll on me. Combine that with being in a "foreign land", so to speak, not a single friend or person to walk through it with me, and a boss that made me feel completely incapable, and I was NOT where I wanted to be. Not even close. Don't get me wrong, I had come here on my own free will. I had followed what I thought was the will of God, and it was, and moved from my lifelong home to a new place and completely started over. As I sat down that day to cry out to the Lord for His mercy, what I wanted to say was, "Lord get me out of here." However, I was blown away when the words that came from my mouth were, "Lord do not remove this thorn from my flesh for it is there for a reason." WHAT???!! Who said that? I tried again to beg for the Lord to get me out of this mess and take me back to the place I came from. Yet, again, the same words came from my lips. The Holy Spirit interceded for me in a way that I had never experienced. He simply wouldn't allow me to give up. He reminded me that day that He had guided me there, was walking with me, and would make it very clear to me His purpose and plan. Whether I liked it or not, I was here to stay. Believe me, there were plenty of times that I did not like this hand I had been dealt! However, now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord was walking me through the desert to get me to the Promise Land. He had so many riches in store for me here that I never could have imagined.

I have said enough! So, just remember, even though you may be in the desert right now, eating bland manna and wondering when the day will come where you will find rest, just remember it is on that road somewhere! I have no doubt that Ethan and Alex are going to make it through this transition, with challenges and all, and help you grow as much as they do!

Love you guys!!!

Paul said...

Again, this morning, as I was in the Word and praying for you, I felt the passage I was reading was directed very much toward your situation. Romans 8:31-39 is chocked full or encouragement. It centers around the obvious reality that God is not going to stint on His blessings if He didn't hold back on giving us Jesus. Read it, meditate on it, internalize it and enjoy! We are praying.
Paul for us

Mommy Martin said...

We will be praying for you and your whole family. I can't imagine what it is like but I can believe that God placed the Perfect people in that little boy's life! We can't wait for you all to get home so we can help you out and give you a break!

Unknown said...

I'm a friend of April's and she had forwarded your blog link to me.
I wanted to add that you are in my prayers as you make the adjustment and transition to a family of four. It is hard but worthwhile work.
I also wanted to add, as an adoptive mother of two sisters who were adopted at 3ish and 6ish from Ethiopia, to in the midst of the storm remember that:
1. your children are acting out of fear. Nothing more, nothing less.
2. it is okay to "fake it until you make it"
3. God is faithful.

Prayers for peace coming your way

carol, mom to 4 lovely girls, 2 from EThiopia, home 11/07

us-in-kenya said...

Love you guys. Heading back to Kenya in a couple hours, and will keep you in our prayers.

I wish we were flying a bit closer, and could stop by and pay you a visit.

ethan said...

We are so happy to hear the hope and answers to prayers. We will keep praying!
Ethan and Mary

Matt and Erin said...

We are praying for you and for your continued strength,patience and perseverance.
Isaiah 41:10 - So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

We love you! Matt and Erin

The Whites said...

All parents have moments like this. I would not trade my kids for anything in the world, but there have been many moments where I thought I could easily get in the car right now and drive away for 30 minutes away from these little people. One of the things I've been most amazed about in my journey is how God has used my kids to teach my so many great lessons like love and patience in the face of temptation and how hard it can be to love a sinner full of self will.

You know, it's pretty easy to believe, when you see kids having fits out in public, that your kids will never act that way. Unfortunately, all kids act out at some point. The extent of that depends on the child and on how you handle it. Continue with your current path of love and parenting with limits. We're praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Parenting is truly the hardest job you will ever have but the reward is so worth it. Not to mention how tiring it can be especially when you are so far from your home and the support system of your family and friends. Hang in there and know that we are all praying for you and your children. I can only imagine how scared and frustrated Alex must be feeling as well.

The Wyszynski's

McElroy's said...

I wish I could come back to give you a hand. You'll make it, just hang in there. I know, easier said then done.

wasdfkjafke said...

Took me a long time to find your blog :)

Looking forward to seeing your new family when you get back.
