
Ethan's new clothes

The below story has probably happened to every parent, but I (Dave) thought I'd share it with you and my reflections on it.

Last weekend, we took Ethan to the 'mall' to buy him new clothes and shoes. He only has basically one outfit, so we wanted to spoil him with a new one (and he really needed new shoes). We spent a good half hour at the mall, spent $70+ on him, and he walked away with new shirts, pants, shoes, hat, socks, and underwear. He was beaming, and so was his Dad. That lasted about 2 minutes. Then we walked past a toy store, and of course, he had to have a certain toy. We said no, and he went from happy to moping and disgruntled. In that moment I was so mad. Didn't he know how much we've spent and what we've gone through to get to this point! Didn't he appreciate the brand new clothes we just bought him! And now all he cares about is some stupid toy! How ungrateful!!!

Later it dawned on me. I wonder how many times God feels the same way. He gives us so much, but at the first moment we don't get some trivial thing we want, we complain. We question His love, His compassion. We pull away and mope. We all do it. I've done quite a few times on this trip. Yet despite it, God continues to love us, provide for us, and protect us - something I need to remember as I parent.


Colleen said...

Wow, you guys are amazing! God is really using you and teaching you there! I am praying for you...I love you guys and am so excited to meet the two newest additions to your family!

Anonymous said...

Perfectly put. It's exciting to see all the new ways God is going to show you His grace through being a parent. Thanks for being transparent and humble. It's a lesson for all of us.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Dave! You are so right that we do just the same thing! I think you are officially a parent when you start sounding like your own parents, "Don't you know how hard I've worked to put food on the table?" I bet you heard that one a time or two from your parents!! have joined the club!

Matthew Ruley said...

Touche on the God analogy. My goodness. Alyona gets a new toy and 2 seconds later its not as good as something else. Christmas this girl got a moutain of toys and the day after she whined at the cash register of Walmart cause she wanted some $2 item. Ugh.