
Why Communism Failed

So, when we first got here, we learned that all of Petro is heated centrally, meaning that they create all the hot air in one place, then pump it all throughout the city. At some point this month they will shut it off - no worries, it has been in the 80's here the last week, we've just had the windows opened and watched all that hot air go outside (very efficient!). So, think of that old apartment building you lived in where the management controlled when you had heat or air conditioning - but for the whole city! I guess this is a hold-over from the soviet era - everyone equal, right.

Well, yesterday (our day in court), we discovered we had no hot water. We later learned that the ENTIRE city receives it's hot water centrally, just like heating. Apparently the city has 'run out of hot water', and won't have any till June. Yep, that's right, Petro will soon be thriving with 250,000 very stinky people.

So, we've resorted to heating water on our little oven, and taking quasi-sponge showers every other day. Should be interesting....

So, centralized heating and hot water - another reason why communism failed. Forget Starbucks and Chipotle, we'd give anything for a hot water heater..... :)


ethan said...

I think I used up all the hot water in Petro when I was there. I would turn the water on hot and just let it run for hours until I had time to get in the shower. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be so happy to be home soon! That is quite the bummer! Hearing about stuff like that makes me so grateful for the things I have. I have even had times where I think to stop and thank God that I have running water as so many countries do not! We are truly spoiled here in America! I'll take an extra shower for you today...:)

Counting down the days til you come back...with your family!!!

Love Julie

AA said...

That is about the craziest thing I've ever heard! An experience you will never many ways.

Anonymous said...

Too Funny! for us to read that is. Just think - you are green without even trying! Keep your spirits up - the end is getting closer with every missed shower.....

FYI- John said the next step is no water at all. Be prepared......

The Wyszynski's

Larry said...

Just like your old boy scout campouts

Susanne said...

Wow, makes you appreciate the country we live in that much more! So glad you guys will be coming home soon!

Us In Kenya said...

We feel ya. We ran out of all running water (hot or cold), so we had to carry our water from the orphanage to the apartment. (Uphill both ways, of course. And one time I was attacked by two fierce lions seeking my water. No, make that three lions. And one warthog.) Seriously, I have never valued each toilet flush so much…is the “stench relief” worth another long walk to haul water, and worth it have everyone laugh at me as I pause for a break every 10 yards? The questions that you seriously ponder that you have never considered before…ah, memories….by the way, there are showers at the airport in London and other European airports. So, worst-case scenario, just grab showers on the way home and we’ll all still be your friends! Besides, one time I went for a month without a shower in the US and nobody seemed to notice.

Baba Sundi

Unknown said...

You could live in one of those cities back home with a new "SMART" grid. Not so smart now, eh, based on your experience in Petro.

Congrats on your progress with the courts and boys. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Hot water is overrated.

stacey said...

that's crazy to run out of hot'd think they could take the cold water and just heat it up...well just think of the great story that will make in 10 years..