
A Crisis of Faith

Thank you again for all of your support and prayers and emails and blog comments!!!! It means the world to us to have such strong support back home. We have felt your prayers lifting up our spirits and giving us new hope and refreshment and we have felt God moving in our hearts to reconfirm for us that these two boys are our sons. We still desperately need your prayers because we still have a long road ahead of us but we are certain that this is the road we are meant to travel. I (Jaclyn) want to share more detail about what has been going on so that you can have a better idea of how to pray specifically and so that you can better understand what we are facing.

First let me share what has been going on with me. When we started this whole process, we were both confident that God would lead us to our children and that we would feel a connection with them when we met them. Well, God was faithful and he did lead us to our children and we did feel that connection when we first met them and as we continued to meet with them. Unfortunately, I had an expectation that I didn't even realize I was holding onto. I expected to feel an initial connection and then to have that connection grow more and more each day. I knew that there would be hard times and that there would even be times that I felt that parenting was an impossible task but I expected to have this strong connection to fall back on. I never expected to doubt whether these were our kids or not. I expected to always FEEL that these are my children. Unfortunately, when things started to get difficult, my feelings about the situation changed and I took this as an indication that we had made a mistake. I had a crisis of faith and I forgot the past. I forgot about all of the miracles that we experienced along the way. I forgot about all the many times we saw God's face and felt his hands and heard his voice. I doubted our calling because of this expectation that I would always FEEL that these are my kids. What I had neglected to remember is that we are still in the process of bonding with our children. We are still almost strangers to them and them to us and creating a good strong lasting bond doesn't happen overnight or even over three weeks of seeing our kids for only two or three hours a day. We are still in the very beginning stages of bonding with our children and that means that I need to give myself, as well as them, time to adjust and time enough to really form these family attachments.

That's what's been going on with me but I am also seeing with new eyes what has been going on with Alex. Again, I had an expectation that ended up tripping me up. I was expecting the transition from the Baby House to our apartment to be difficult and when it wasn't I assumed that meant that Alex was doing good and that he would continue to do well. When things started deteriorating I thought he was just being obstinate and then when things got totally out of control I freaked out because I felt like this was never going to get any better and that Alex was just going to keep spiralling out of control. What I now see is that he is a very fragile little boy who is having a lot of conflicting emotions and a lot of change in his life and he doesn't know how to control his emotions. What he needs is a firm but gentle hand from people who are protecting him and assuring him that everything is going to be okay. What he got from us was anger, irritation, confusion and desperation. Thankfully, talking with our case worker, my mom and Ben & Janine gave us some new perspectives and new hope for the future.

So, we have turned a corner. This doesn't mean that things have gotten very much easier but we have some new tools in our parental tool belt and we are looking at the situation with fresh eyes. We could use prayer for the ability to successfully communicate to Alex that we are safe people for him; for Alex to be able to start to trust us; for Ethan to be able to understand why he isn't living with us yet when Alex is; for us to be able to build a good foundation for Alex so that when we do take custody of Ethan it isn't as stressful; for us to be able to pour out our love on Ethan and each give him some one on one time; and most of all for our sanity as we continue to live here in Kaz for three more weeks. Thanks again everyone, we love and miss all of our family and friends and desperately long to be back in the good 'ole US of A.


ethan said...

Your transparency is inspiring. Thanks for giving us specifics on how we can pray. The last 3 weeks will fly by!

Mom said...

Hi Dave and Jaclyn,
I am Ethan Collier's mom. Ethan and Mary have shared your story with us so we could pray for you. We have loved Ethan, Mary, Caleb and Julia through the journey of international adoption so our hearts really go out to you.
Someone much wiser than me told me once "Don't question in the dark what God has shown you in the light"
That has really helped me when I have lost my way.
God is writing quite a story of faith for you all.
We will continue to pray ~ Carol
Sorry about the blogger name ~ I had it set up for Ethan and Mary's blog and I don't know how to change it.

Anonymous said...

I can't agree more with the "crisis of faith" you are facing. I have faced this myself so many times in my life. When my ability as a teacher was questioned, I didn't "feel" like I was capable, I doubted my calling to teach. When Ray and I face challenges in our marriage, as is to be expected, I doubt whether or not we are right for each other, even though we entered in prepared that love is a choice, not a feeling. When I sat in the hospital with Sadie the night she was born and I couldn't get her to stop crying, I didn't "feel" like the mom I thought I would. I wondered if I was meant to be a mom. To this day, there are times when the kids are out of control and I don't "feel" like the "got it all together" mom that I wanted to be. In those times I try to do just what you talked about. Remember that faith is not a feeling, it's believing in what we can not see and sometimes do not even understand. That you have figured this out already on your parenting journey tells me that you are right where you are supposed to be! You have followed the will of God and CHOOSE to remain there regardless of the doubts Satan will try and throw your way. I don't know if you are familiar with this Casting Crowns song, but I felt it really applied to what your are going through. I'll leave you with the lyrics. And remember, only a few more weeks and you'll be home surrounded by more help than you could have ever imagined!! It takes a village to raise a child! Sorry that this post is so long..the lyrics take up a lot of room!!

The Voice of Truth
Casting Crowns

Oh,what I would do to have
the kind of faith it takes
To climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
Into the realm of the unknown
Where Jesus is,
And he's holding out his hand

But the waves are calling out my name
and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
time and time again
"Boy, you'll never win,
you'll never win."

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
the voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Oh, what I would do
to have the kind of strength it takes
To stand before a giant
with just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound
of a thousand warriors
shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the giant's calling out
my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
time and time again
"Boy you'll never win,
you'll never win."

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
the voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

But the stone was just the right size
to put the giant on the ground
and the waves they don't seem so high
from on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
when I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
singing over me

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says "do not be afraid"
And the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me (calling out to me)
I will choose to listen and believe (I will choose to listen and believe)
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

I will listen and believe
I will listen and believe the voice of truth
I will listen and believe
'Cause Jesus you are the voice of truth
And I will listen to you.. oh you are

Keep holding on to that voice of Truth amidst the lies Satan whispers in your ear! We're praying for you to do just that!

Love Julie

Mommy said...

Thank you for keeping us up to date. We are praying for all of you.

The struggles you are going through will bind you together as a family even stronger. You guys are doing a great job and God is faithful to complete great works through you. Dave and Jaclyn you guys rock!

Anonymous said...

We sometimes get so caught up in the pictures we have in our minds as to what the perfect family is, how to be a good parent, etc. that we forget life is about challenges and obstacles, otherwise, all the good stuff would not seem as good as it really is. I know I was really tough on myself when I first started parenting Daniil. I felt like I was constantly in a bubble and people were gonna judge me by what I did and how my child reacted to me (would cry every time I stopped walking with him while in Kazakhstan).

When I let go of those preconceived expectations and stopped putting so much pressure on myself things got much better.

I am confident that you and Dave will be amazing parents.

There have been a few things that I found really affect Daniil's behavior and that is diet (too much sugar, not tolerating milk), physically sick, and communication. I mention these items just in case diet or an illness could be exacerbating Alex's behavior.

Even as a nurse I would never have thought that milk with lactose could bring on such bad behavior if I had not seen it with my own eyes.

We will continue to pray for your family and for your speedy return.

Be kind to yourselves!

God Bless you all!

The Wyszynski's

Matthew Ruley said...

Hi I just got an email from Jennifer Matasovsky to contact you. We were leaving Kaz one year ago with a sibling pair. Andrey had just turned 3 and Alyona was 5. I think I understand what yuo are going through, and probably will for awhile. It is not easy, and won't be for awhile but hopefully you'll be home soon and be on your "turf" where you know where you can buy things you need, drink tap water, and call your friends at reasonable hours.
Our little guy, who just turned 4 was difficult. Hours of screaming, accompanied by biting, hiting, pinching, headbutting (careful of headbutting, that's how I got my nose broken a few times).
Dont be too hard on yourself, you’re probably past the point of exhaustion and you also need to set limits. I realize now that I probably set too many limits early and had expectations that were way too high. But in the past year, we have made great strides.
Our daughter has been a dream in comparison although we have had issues with her too (generally cheeky). Both are strong-willed.
Matt and I were talking today of how our children truly LOVE and NEED each other and how unbelievably difficult it would have been for each of them if they didn't have each other. Hopefully having Nathan too will help calm the fear your little guy is facing. His life is totally wacked-out and he probably doesn't understand the things that he's feeling.

I didnt put this on my blog nor would I share it but I didnt feel instant attachment and parental love for our children. THAT is normal. In fact I cried every night for our first week during bonding in fear that we were making the wrong decision. It probably wasn't until near Christmas that I started to feel that these were our children instead of 2 little strange people living in our house with us. When you compare it to marriage, and it is an arranged marriage, most people date for a while before they get engaged and are engaged for awhile before they get married (trial period). In adoption, you skip that. Matt and I decided to tell the kids we loved them on our second visit because, they were ours already. And they had to trust us and feel loved by us if we were to have any luck. I know you understand that.

Bedtime was a disaster with Andrey up until Christmas time this year when I implemented the Ferber method which I always thought was too impersonal.
Today our kids are great - still cheeky and Andrey can throw some massive tantrums. Were seeing a behavioral psychiatrist to help us as well as an attachment therapist. What they tell us is nearly complete opposite of how to handle the situation. So we take a little bit of what each of them say. Here is the best that I can advise to you (if I knew this then I think we'd be better):

Treat your time now with your little guy as more bonding time. Try to play with him. Its really hard once you get them together because they will go their own ways. Try to touch them as much as you can. They probably missed that the first 3 years of their lives. Become at peace with the franticness that you will probably see. Concentrate on safety and not on your convenience - or try to balance the 2 of them. For instance, Andrey (3) wanted to open every yogurt in our apartmen tand it was 8 stories to climb with kids and yogurt. I didnt want to open all the yogurts.. but what can you do? Be okay with it. Make rules simple for them. Do you know any russian phrases for children (time for bed is “para spat” stay in bed is “leghee v krovatee” eat is “koosit” bath is “koopatza” book is “kaneegah” and teeth is “zoobee”? I'll find mine and send them to you). Im rambling now. Our kids love to be read to, and did then even though I didn’t know the Russian to make the book clear.

I'll catch up on your blog and see if I have any specific advice or insight. We'll be praying for you.

Email us if you want if you have time, and we can talk on the phone or through Skype if you want. Suzanne and Matthew Ruley

Mommy Martin said...

You openness is amazing. You should write a book.

Matthew Ruley said...

Your children are also developmentally behind.

Andrey today is developmentally 18mo to 24 mo old, which means when we got him a year ago he was 6-12mo old developmentally. Try to think of that when you set expectations and deal with behaviors.

How old are your children chronologically?

The 4yo (that's how old Andrey is today) may only be 24mo old in his decisionmaking and understanding.

Here you can find some russian phrases. Hope you belong to the Yahoo Kaz adoption listserv because its a link from it. Shoot my internets not working. Will link later will try to post this commment.

Matthew Ruley said...

scroll down to English to Kazakh phrases word document. It also has Russian.

And then further down is RUSSIAN CHILD TALK also a word document. If I had your email I'd attach copies for you.

Unknown said...

It is very difficult to watch your one of your own children going through pain and what seems to be things gone wrong. To have to sit back and not be able to fix the problems in your childs life. By child Im refering not to your children but to you David as my son and Jaclyn as my Daughter in law. But in all my years I have to say God has always came through, not always the way I planned it but his way (the way that works).
He has reasons for all this and all will work out. I pray that these 2 children will be as much of a joy and blessing to you as you where to me
Love dad

Kris said...

Wow...reading this journey of yours has been pretty amazing. You are in our prayers lots!! It's been both heartbreaking and uplifting to read about Alex's breakdowns. It's heartbreaking because it must be so painful to see him suffering in this way..but uplifting in the sense that he now has AMAZING people to love him, to teach him in the way he should go so when he is old, he will not turn from it. ;-) How amazing is our God that we can see His beauty in a lost child? We are totally behind you guys 100% and can't wait to meet the new and improved Miller clan. Keep up the blog posts!

Kris said...

P.S. I love Julie's note about feeling vs. choosing; I had to read it to someone else. Thanks Julie for the inspired words!!