
Our Little Munchkin

I think we have mentioned how the weather here is crazy and it's been acting up again. For the past week and over the weekend it has been really warm, in the upper 70's to low 80's. We knew we would be getting custody of Alex on Monday and so we did our shopping for clothes for him on Saturday and Sunday. Given that it was really hot out we bought him all clothes for warm weather. Then on Monday on our way to get him we realized it had gotten a little colder, in the 50's, so we picked him up a sweatsuit. Well, it has continued to get colder and yesterday it rained all day. We can't stay inside with him because he goes stir crazy, so below are a couple of pictures of him dressed up in all of the clothes we bought him plus Mom's North Face vest and an umbrella that he insisted on holding himself. It was a riot! It was even cuter when we went to pick up Ethan and then he held the umbrella over himself and Alex and they walked together with Ethan's arm around Alex. They are both cute boys but nothing is cuter than seeing the two of them together! Anyway, the crazy weather continues and this morning on Alex's 4th birthday we woke up to snow! Can you believe it? It's the middle/end of May and it's only 40 degrees outside. No fear though, the forecast for tomorrow is in the high 60's and by the weekend it'll probably be in the high 70's low 80's again. Aaah, Petro :) But at least we have hot water again so we are in good spirits.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH! I wish you could hear my laughing! That is awesome!! What a great picture! You've already learned the very thing that I have found as a parent to be so difficult. Change in seasons! The warm weather hits and I go out and buy all summer clothes for the kids...only to find that one cool day I am digging around for something old that might fit them since their new clothes are in a bigger size and I didn't bother buying warm stuff in that size. Sigh....I have a hard enough time picking my wardrobe...let alone a wardrobe for two little people! You solved the problem creatively and well!! I am so glad to hear how much you are enjoying the time with the boys there. Happy Birthday Alex!! What a great way to spend his birthday..with his new mom and dad!!

Stay warm...or should I say cool...oh whatever! Keep comfortable in the crazy unpredictable weather.

Love Julie

ethan said...

Snow on May 21, shocking! Alex and Ethan are too cute for words. I am so glad you all are enjoying your time together. Happy Birthday Alex!

Barbara said...

Very very cool! So happy for you guys!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is classic. Love it! Since I have no idea how to spell this, please forgive me...
Ya Youblue tibia and Happy birthday Alex!


Susanne said...

I love the pictures! What a great shot.