
KZ Mastercard

Birdseed for hours of entertainment (and lure for catching pidgeons - Ethan actually caught one) ....... 80 tenge (50 cents)

Empty water jug for filling up with sand ...... 170 tenge (1 dollar)

Sunglasses so you can be the coolest boys in Petro ...... 400 tenge ($2.50)

A bandage to cover up the huge gash in the eyelid you get when spinning head-first into the end table ...... 15 tenge (10 cents)

Walking hand in hand with your mom for life ....... priceless

Somethings that make kids happy you can buy, for everything else, there's parents........


Unknown said...

Looks like to me the process of becoming a family is comming along very well

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Love the one from the back with the kids and Jaclyn walking. Very precious. Can't wait for you guys to come home!

AA said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! That's great!! I think you are on your way to a marketing job! Good advertisement for adoption! These are going to make great scrapbook pictures for later! Funny that Alex has already acquired an injury with you! I keep saying Simon is going to be my ER baby as he climbs and falls off everything! Such a boy!!

Can't wait to see you guys!!


Susanne said...

I love the pic of you all holding hands