
All together at last

On Wed we finally took custody of Ethan - for good.

Since then things have been good. Alex still has his episodes, but we feel more confident in dealing with them now. We are feeling that Alex is slowly attaching to us. Yay! Ethan is going through his own adjustment, is his own way. In all though, it is GREAT to all be together. Exhausting, but GREAT.

As brothers, they are doing well. Ethan has really stepped into the big brother role. For his part Alex has done a great job of taking on the role of annoying little brother. He always wants to do whatever Ethan is doing even if Ethan doesn't want help from Alex. Thanks for all of the prayers on our behalf and keep it up. We are glad to be all together but we are anxious to be home and out of this limbo period.


McElroy's said...

Congratulations!!! We can't wait to have all four of you up to the cabin.

Emily said...

Such great news! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful gift that you could adopt both boys. It allows them to take their natural positions as "big and little" brother and have someone to identify with once they come home. I had to laugh when I read how Alex has taken the role of "annoying little brother"! Simon is only 15 months old and has already mastered the art of being annoying! Must be a trait they are born with!! Try and enjoy the time you have left there! I will be praying it flies by fast as I am sure you are ready to return home to your comfort zone! Enough being surrounded in a language you don't know, right?! will give you a special patience with the boys when they are faced with the very same thing here in the states....hmmm. God worked that one out well!!

Can't wait to see you soon!!
Love Julie

ethan said...

I also glad you four are finally together as a family unit. I am glad Alex is taking his role as little brother serious:) Julia also has taken it serious. Yesterday she took "taggy" from Caleb and crawled as fast as her chubby legs would take her away from him, snorting and laughing all the way! We will pray those passports will fly through the government offices and you all will be on the SCAT soon!

AA said...

CONGRATULATIONS to the Miller family! How incredible for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Worth the wait!