
We found them!

On Tuesday we met the older brother, and visited him for about 15 minutes. He, like his brother, is a beautiful, shy boy. We leave the children's village in a range of emotions. We definitely feel a connection with both boys, but they are both outside of what we were 'expecting' in ages. We came prepared to change diapers and use Cheerios as the main source of food - not attend PTA meetings.....

That afternoon we gave it all to God. We let go of all expectations, and again let him guide our hearts. By that evening we knew we had a match. We really were drawn to these two boys, and yet were scared out of our minds at the prospect of adopting older children. Yet, God moved. By the next morning, we were positive these were our kids.

It's hard to explain how we knew, or how our expectations had so suddenly changed. We woke up Monday morning intent on adopting a single child under age 2, and by Wednesday morning we were daydreaming about our 4 and 8 year old. God is amazing....


Unknown said...

You brought tears to my eyes!!! I know God has given you both an amazing capacity to love! We are so excited for you two and these two children! Congratulations on your new family! We will be praying for you!!!! What a blessing to have these beautiful boys join your family! hugs and love, Michelle,Eric and the kiddos

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! Guys, you are following your hearts and going with what God wants for you and for your boys. YOUR BOYS! Can you believe that? I will be following this blog and waiting anxiously for your return home while I pray without ceasing that God will calm any reservations you may have with your decision. As much as I am sure you were prepared for the adventures of "little ones", it's amazing that upon meeting these guys you already know so much about who they are. Their favorite things, their personalities, their abilities, and challenges. So much that would have taken years to find out with a little one. I will save more for later as you know I never run out of words to say. Especially in this have spoken to our hearts' desires as well as Ray and I long to adopt an older child eventually. Who knows, maybe our little guy is somewhere out there now. Don't forget, when it comes to always have a tutor a phone call away!!! Love you guys and miss you!!
Love Julie, Ray, and Sadie and Simon!

Anonymous said... more you have any idea how insanely envious I am that you will have 2 children that have already conquered the normal challenges of toddler-hood?? Teething, sleepless nights, potty training...the list goes on and on! What a blessing that God has introduced you to these two little men when they are just coming into their own! Enjoy your week with them!

Love Julie